by Vicky Chijwani
Ghost ( is a simple, powerful publishing platform that allows you to share your st...
Ghost ( is a simple, powerful publishing platform that allows you to share your stories with the world.Quill brings the Ghost admin's elegant design to a 100% native and modern Android app. It is designed to be simple, beautiful, and fast. What's more, it is completely open-source, just like Ghost! (contributions welcome, Github link is below)
HIGHLIGHTS• Simple, intuitive interface based on Material Design principles (along with some tasteful animations!)• Markdown editing with preview - swipe to switch between editing and previewing• 100% Markdown compatibility with Ghost - insert images, footnotes and code blocks like you're used to• Works with Ghost Pro ( blogs as well as self-hosted blogs• Offline mode - Quill is designed to work 100% offline -- just sync when you're connected later! Ideal for writing while travelling.• Native image upload from your phone or a web link• Attach tags and a cover image• Free with no strings attached - no ads, no in-app purchases, and certainly no data harvesting of any sort, now or in the future (you can actually check the code yourself to verify this - link below). None of your data is saved by me except for crash-reporting or analyzing anonymous usage statistics.
Quill has been translated to several languages: German, Spanish, French, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Croatian. If you'd like to see support for your language, contribute @
GHOST VERSION COMPATIBILITYQuill has been tested against versions 0.6.3 to 0.11.3 of Ghost. Older or newer versions may not work correctly because the Ghost admin API is not stable yet (see note below).
IN CASE OF ISSUESIf you find a bug please email me (vickychijwani at gmail dot com), report it on Github (link below), or describe the issue in your Play Store review. Try to include as many details as you can, and mention the app version, Ghost version, and Android version.
HOW DO THIS APP MAKE MONEY?It doesn't (and probably never will). No ads, no data harvesting, no "pro" version - no strings attached. Quill is a pure learning/fun project for me, and is my way of giving back to the wonderful Ghost community and broader open-source community. If I ever do make money off this app, it will be by letting people purchase the app forever for a small one-time fee, but never through ads.
LINKSFork on Github: bugs and propose new features: translate the app to your language:
TECHNICAL NOTE ABOUT THE GHOST APIThe Ghost API is neither completely stable nor publicly-released at this point. This means that Quill may stop working correctly after major Ghost releases that change the behavior of the API. I will try to track such changes and update the app as soon as I'm made aware of issues.
Quill for Ghost is an unofficial app. Ghost and the Ghost Logo are trademarks owned by The Ghost Foundation.